Tuesday & Wednesday school was closed due to the ice- so there is NO WAY I was going to drive 37 miles to work in THAT!!! I am not really scared to drive in it- I have a front-wheel drive, and it did just fine last year in the ice- but I'm afraid of the other crazy drivers. So we bundled up and loaded the wagons with Girl Scout cookies- and V delivered them to all our neighbors. After that, Mark had the idea of pulling us with a rope behind the 4-wheeler. We sat on a plastic lid (the big storage box kind) and off we went. After I saw him pulling Maddie so fast, I made Sofie go get helmets for everyone!!! I haven't laughed so hard since Mark fell in the tub ~wink~
Look at Pepper- he's smiling!!!
Some of my friends here are surprised that I have experience racism first
hand. Yes I have, I've been jumped, punched in the face, called Gook, Long
Duck ...