Sunday, September 27, 2009

Music Fest!!!

We had friends over yesterday; our neighbors, Brad, Cheyenne, and baby Madi Jo, who is just getting over the SWINE FLU!!! Seriously, poor baby has been sick for about 10 days, so I felt safe with her over, surely she's not still contagious (I HOPE), but we were all passing around the Germ-X all night, and I didn't kiss her either... An R.N. named Barnie, that works in the same hospital, found out that we play music, and he asked if he could come over and play sometime, so last night he brought his guitar and we all played from 5 until midnight!!! It was so much fun... Brad is learning the drums, Barnie plays lead, and Mark and I are rhythm, so we sounded GOOD! It's fun having new musicians over, hearing what they know, singing together, and getting feedback from them... So Barnie is going with us to open-mic night on Tuesday to play some of his stuff. At the end of the night we finally had dinner...Mark had been cooking off and on through the night; we had ribs, roasted corn on the cob, and roasted jalapenos stuffed with garlic... Mark ROCKS in the kitchen and in the music room!!!
Hadn't played in awhile, and Friday night my fingers hurt so badly, but with all the playing yesterday, the callouses formed rather quickly, thank GOODNESS!!! Now all is good in my world!

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