Maddie wanted to go walking last night- so we took off and walked for about 30 or 45 minutes... we talked and laughed, and she told me how happy she is that we get along, and that she feels she can tell me almost anything... she says that most of her friends HATE their parents... and she is just so thankful that we have the relationship we do... it really touched me, made me feel so thankful & blessed; I told her it is because I pray about her, and us, everyday... to stay close, and for me to know her heart, so I can pray specific things for her... my cousin, Andrea, told me a mother's prayers, over her daughter, are very powerful... I shared that with Mad, and she smiled... and before bedtime, I asked her what she wants me to pray for, and she tells me... the older our kids get, the more they need us... not what most people think- that the older they get, the less they need us- this is the MOST important time for us to stay connected... she still needs guidance and most of all, understanding from her parents... and she has really started sharing her feelings with Mark as well- and he is such a great listener, and communicator- he has really taught me so much about communication, about keeping your heart open and free of anger, and resentment... it really does make the intimacy of marriage, what is is supposed to be... he says the good, the bad, and the ugly must be shared, and it works!!!
We all went to the elementary and intermediate schools last night for 'Meet the Teachers' ; Sofie and V were both very excited, and we are all very happy with the teachers we have this year. Sofie's homeroom teacher was Mad's kindergarten teacher! V's teacher is young, and pretty, and very outgoing... and she has a 5-yr-old and a 3-yr-old, so she will know how to handle her class-full of 7-yr-olds just fine! Mamu and Gigee came to meet them as well... school starts MONDAY!!!