Well, we are home. Victoria and I had a blast at our first real Girl Scout camp. We had eleven Girl Scouts and six adults; we had two cabins assigned to us, but we wanted to all be together, so we did some moving, and fit forteen beds into one cabin, and just doubled up some of us and all slept under one roof. We had about a100 yard walk to get to the bath-house , there was no toilet or sink in the cabin... NONE of the adults slept at all that first night- I think the ground would've been more comfortable than the mattresses; Victoria slept with me, kicked, had a fight with someone in her dream, talked, sat up a couple of times...now I know why she is at the foot of her bed in the mornings!!! Two of the moms went up to the mess-hall and made bacon and pancakes the first morning... after that, all seven troops met at the flag pole and had the flag raising ceremony. We walked down to the lake and collected shells... late in the after noon, we played kick-ball; the Tigers against the Eliminators!!! At lunch we had hamburgers at our cabin, then I led the girls in a game of 'Salmonella Says'!!! It was hilarious...my version of Simon Says; I had the other moms in tears, having the girls doing dance moves and yoga poses!!! We met again at 6pm for the lowering of the flag, at 8 we met to meet all of the other troops and 'SWAP' our little crafts we have been making all year, it was so cute watching all the girls walk up to each other trading their little items, and introducing themselves... then it was time for skits around the campfire!!! S'mores followed, then night-night time!!! Whew... Mommy is tired... on the drive home, Victoria told me "you're the best Mom in the whole world"... THAT made it all worth it!!!
Some of my friends here are surprised that I have experience racism first
hand. Yes I have, I've been jumped, punched in the face, called Gook, Long
Duck ...
How wonderful it is to be able to spend that extra time with your child to teach some of lifes lessons. They don't stay young very long!!!!