Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. Romance is NOT dead! The pole on the far left is an American flag. There was no wind and people hadn't started going to work/school yet. This was taken in Weatherford on hwy 180 at the Big Pantry where I was delivering gasoline about 5:30ish. It was a beautiful morning and I wanted to share it w/ you even though we weren't together. ILTSOY, Bug.
Some of my friends here are surprised that I have experience racism first
hand. Yes I have, I've been jumped, punched in the face, called Gook, Long
Duck ...
Post dr appt celebration
We had Beau's 3 yr check up (only 2months late), and it was interesting,
haha. He didn't want to go from the moment we told him about it. Even when
we trie...
What a great time we had heading to Louisiana so the kids can spend their
July with their dad. Lindsay ran and grabbed the sign pole and yelled out
"I be...
Oh...what a relief I'm private
Dear Blog,
I needed you and I to be alone for awhile. I've really missed logging on
and just being me. I've craved it for a few years but now..it's me and ...
Classic Apple Pie
Apple pie is one of my all time favs. Well, favorite to EAT that is.
Growing up, I didn't quite care for the task of peeling and coring all
those apples. (...
Welcome to our family blog!!! We have family and friends that we don't get to see as often as we like; so we keep in touch by writing about our lives and posting pictures. We believe in fellowship and the power of prayer, and this site helps us in both of these areas. So, take your boots off and sit a spell... and please let us know you have visited, by leaving a comment, or signing the guestbook- it's fun to see who is catching up with us!!! Thanks, and God bless you!
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. Romance is NOT dead! The pole on the far left is an American flag. There was no wind and people hadn't started going to work/school yet. This was taken in Weatherford on hwy 180 at the Big Pantry where I was delivering gasoline about 5:30ish. It was a beautiful morning and I wanted to share it w/ you even though we weren't together. ILTSOY, Bug.